2.From the Ver. 4.0.0, Windows 2000 will not be supported. Therefore, Easy-PhotoPrint EX cannot be installed in the Windows 2000 environment.
3.Supports printing on the printable disc, and the jacket, stored in the case along with the disc.
4.The following three functions have been added to the function of Auto Frame Capturing: -At Auto Frame Capturing, the setting for automatically selecting frames with less blurry can be specified. -So that the captured images fall in one page, they are laid out with the best size. -The composite with a flowing motion can be created by combining the images captured from the movie files photographed using a tripod, etc. ...
[v.3.2.0] - 支持型号中加入了新型号。
1. 可从短片文件中提取帧(静止图像)并将其用于 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 的各项功能,如相片打印、专辑打印、日历打印等。 <注意事项> (1) 从短片文件中提取帧前,请事先安装 Zoom Browser EX Ver. 6.5 或更高版。 (2) 不支持 Windows 2000 / Windows XP x64 系统。 <支持的短片文件> 使用支持拍摄MOV格式短片文件的佳能数码相机拍摄的短片数据。 (编码格式: MPEG-4AVC)
2. 可从相片共享网站直接获取大量图像,并将其用于 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 的各项功能,如相片打印、专辑打印、日历打印等。 <注意事项> (1) 相关的相片共享网站目前只有“Flicker”。 (2) 不支持 Windows 2000 系统。